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Type Definitions


An <Object> representing the values of a <mongoose.Document> to ensure attendance registers are only manageable by authorised users


  • Typings.Attendance


  • _id mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

    A unique document identifier

  • channelId Discord.Snowflake

    The <> of the <Message> sent to the original submission channel

  • attendanceId Discord.Snowflake

    The <> of the <Message> sent to the guild's attendance channel

  • name string

    The title of this attendance register

  • formation string

    The name of the formation this register belongs to

  • authors Array.<Discord.Snowflake>

    A <[]> of users that have contributed to this register



An <Object> of a pair of <> and <>


  • Object


  • voice Discord.Snowflake

    The <> of this paired voice channel

  • text Discord.Snowflake

    The <> of this paired text channel



An <Object> of the customisable colours for each guild


  • Object


  • default Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use as the guild's non-specific colour

  • primary Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use as the guild's primary colour

  • leave Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use on the guild's leave tickets

  • success Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use as the guild's success colour

  • warn Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use as the guild's warning colour

  • error Discord.ColorResolvable

    The colour to use as the guild's error colour



An <Object> to create and/or find an emoji in a guild


  • Object


  • name string

    The name of the guild's emoji

  • URL string

    The URL of the guild's emoji



An <Object> representing the values of a <mongoose.Document> to record the specific configuration for each <Guild>


  • Typings.GuildConfiguration


  • _id mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

    A unique document identifier

  • guildId Discord.Snowflake

    The <> that this configuration belongs to

  • guildName string

    The <> that this configuration belongs to

  • settings Object

    The guild's settings object


    • prefix string

      The guild's command prefix

    • longDate string

      The guild's default dateformat mask for its date-time groups

    • shortDate string

      The guild's dateformat mask for its shortened date strings

    • prontoLogo string

      The image URL to display as the guild's logo for Pronto

    • lessonCron string

      The guild's cron expression to schedule lesson reminders

    • timezone string

      The moment-timezone to schedule the guild's lesson reminders in

    • lessonReminders boolean

      A <boolean> to control whether to schedule lesson reminders

  • ids Object

    The guild's object of identifiers/snowflakes


    • guildId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild

    • debugId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's debugging channel

    • logId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's log channel

    • attendanceId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's attendance channel

    • recruitingId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's recruiting channel

    • welcomeId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's new members channel

    • archivedId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's debugging channel

    • lessonsId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's lesson plans category channel

    • lessonReferenceId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's lesson reference channel

    • lessonPlansId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's lesson plans archive channel

    • everyoneId Discord.Snowflake

      The <> of the guild's

    • visitorId Discord.Snowflake  |  ''

      The <> of the guild's visitor role if it is registered

    • administratorId Discord.Snowflake  |  ''

      The <> of the guild's administrator role if it is registered

    • trainingIds Array.<Discord.Snowflake>

      A <[]> of the guild's training roles

    • formations Array.<Discord.Snowflake>

      A <[]> of the guild's formation roles

    • channelPairs Array.<models.ChannelPair>

      An <Object[]> of the guild's pairings of <VoiceChannel> and <TextChannel>

  • commands commands.BaseCommands

    The guild's <BaseCommands> object containing each individual <BaseCommand> under the property [CommandName]

  • emojis Object

    The guild's emojis object


  • colours models.Colours

    The guild's <Colours> object



An <Object> containing a nested <Object> for each lesson instructor with their <> and acknowledgement status


  • Object


  • Snowflake Object.<Discord.Snowflake, {id: Discord.Snowflake, seen: boolean}>

    The instructor's individual lesson instructor object


    • id Discord.Snowflake

      The instructor's <>

    • seen boolean

      Whether the instructor has acknowledged receipt of the lesson warning



An <Object> representing the values of a <mongoose.Document> to record the details of each assigned lesson


  • Typings.Lesson


  • _id mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId

    A unique document identifier

  • lessonId Discord.Snowflake

    The <> of the private lesson channel created for the lesson

  • lessonName string

    The name of the lesson

  • instructors models.Instructors

    An <Object> containing a nested <Object> for each lesson instructor with their <> and acknowledgement status

  • dueDate string

    The formatted date-time group of the lesson plan's due date

  • dueTimestamp number

    The Unix timestamp (ms) of the of the lesson plan's due date

  • lessonDate string

    The formatted date-time group of the lesson's date

  • lessonTimestamp number

    The Unix timestamp (ms) of the lesson's date

  • assignedResources Array.<string>

    A <string[]> of the lesson resources supplied to the instructor

  • submittedResources Array.<string>

    A <string[]> of the lesson resources submitted by the instructor

  • archiveId Discord.Snowflake <nullable>

    The <> of the archived lesson plan, if it has been archived

  • submitted boolean

    A <boolean> to record whether the lesson has been submitted at least once

  • approved boolean

    A <boolean> to record whether the lesson is approved in its current state

  • changed boolean

    A <boolean> to record whether the lesson has unsubmitted changes

  • processMentions function

    Create a formatted string of user mentions for the <Lesson.instructors>
