'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { settings, emojis, colours } = require('../config');
* @typedef {Typings.GuildConfiguration} models.GuildConfiguration An \<Object> representing the values of a \<mongoose.Document> to record the specific configuration for each \<Guild>
* @property {mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId} _id A unique document identifier
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} guildId The \<Guild.id> that this configuration belongs to
* @property {string} guildName The \<Guild.name> that this configuration belongs to
* @property {Object} settings The guild's settings object
* @property {string} settings.prefix The guild's command prefix
* @property {string} settings.longDate The guild's default dateformat mask for its date-time groups
* @property {string} settings.shortDate The guild's dateformat mask for its shortened date strings
* @property {string} settings.prontoLogo The image URL to display as the guild's logo for Pronto
* @property {string} settings.lessonCron The guild's cron expression to schedule lesson reminders
* @property {string} settings.timezone The [moment-timezone]{@link https://momentjs.com/timezone/} to schedule the guild's lesson reminders in
* @property {boolean} settings.lessonReminders A \<boolean> to control whether to schedule lesson reminders
* @property {Object} ids The guild's object of identifiers/snowflakes
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.guildId The \<Guild.id> of the guild
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.debugId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's debugging channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.logId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's log channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.attendanceId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's attendance channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.recruitingId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's recruiting channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.welcomeId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's new members channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.archivedId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's debugging channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.lessonsId The \<CategoryChannel.id> of the guild's lesson plans category channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.lessonReferenceId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's lesson reference channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.lessonPlansId The \<TextChannel.id> of the guild's lesson plans archive channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.everyoneId The \<Role.id> of the guild's \@everyone role
* @property {Discord.Snowflake | ''} ids.visitorId The \<Role.id> of the guild's visitor role if it is registered
* @property {Discord.Snowflake | ''} ids.administratorId The \<Role.id> of the guild's administrator role if it is registered
* @property {Discord.Snowflake[]} ids.trainingIds A \<Role.id[]> of the guild's training roles
* @property {Discord.Snowflake[]} ids.formations A \<Role.id[]> of the guild's formation roles
* @property {models.ChannelPair[]} ids.channelPairs An {@link models.ChannelPair|<Object[]>} of the guild's pairings of \<VoiceChannel> and \<TextChannel>
* @property {commands.BaseCommands} commands The guild's [\<BaseCommands>]{@link commands.BaseCommands} object containing each individual [\<BaseCommand>]{@link commands.BaseCommand} under the property [{@link commands.CommandName|CommandName}]
* @property {Object} emojis The guild's emojis object
* @property {models.Emoji} emojis.success The guild's success [\<Emoji>]{@link models.Emoji}
* @property {models.Emoji} emojis.error The guild's error [\<Emoji>]{@link models.Emoji}
* @property {models.Colours} colours The guild's [\<Colours>]{@link models.Colours} object
* @typedef {Object} models.ChannelPair An \<Object> of a pair of \<VoiceChannel.id> and \<TextChannel.id>
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} voice The \<VoiceChannel.id> of this paired voice channel
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} text The \<TextChannel.id> of this paired text channel
* @typedef {Object} models.Emoji An \<Object> to create and/or find an emoji in a guild
* @property {string} name The name of the guild's emoji
* @property {string} URL The URL of the guild's emoji
* @typedef {Object} models.Colours An \<Object> of the customisable colours for each guild
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} default The colour to use as the guild's non-specific colour
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} primary The colour to use as the guild's primary colour
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} leave The colour to use on the guild's leave tickets
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} success The colour to use as the guild's success colour
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} warn The colour to use as the guild's warning colour
* @property {Discord.ColorResolvable} error The colour to use as the guild's error colour
// Create a new <Schema> of <Guild> type
const guildSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
guildId: String,
guildName: String,
settings: {
prefix: { type: String, default: settings.prefix },
longDate: { type: String, default: settings.longDate },
shortDate: { type: String, default: settings.shortDate },
prontoLogo: { type: String, default: settings.prontoLogo },
lessonCron: { type: String, default: settings.lessonCron },
timezone: { type: String, default: settings.timezone },
lessonReminders: { type: Boolean, default: false },
ids: {
guildId: String,
debugId: String,
logId: String,
attendanceId: String,
recruitingId: String,
welcomeId: String,
archivedId: String,
lessonsId: String,
lessonReferenceId: String,
lessonPlansId: String,
everyoneId: String,
visitorId: String,
administratorId: { type: String, default: '' },
trainingIds: Array,
formations: Array,
channelPairs: Array,
commands: Object,
emojis: {
type: Object,
default: {
success: {
name: emojis.success.name,
url: emojis.success.url,
error: {
name: emojis.error.name,
url: emojis.error.url,
colours: {
type: Object,
default: {
default: colours.default,
primary: colours.primary,
leave: colours.leave,
success: colours.success,
warn: colours.warn,
error: colours.error,
// Export the <Schema> as a <Model>
module.exports = mongoose.model('Guild', guildSchema, 'guilds');