'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { findGuildConfiguration } = require('../handlers');
* `modules.sortMembersByRoles()` returns a `compareFunction` for `Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>.sort()`
* that sorts the members in descending order of highest role
* @example
* // guild = <Guild>
* // Sorts a Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember> in descending order of highest role
* Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>.sort(modules.sortMembersByRoles(guild));
* @function modules.sortMembersByRoles
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The \<Guild> that the members belong to
* - If the guild's [`<GuildConfiguration.ids.administratorId>`]{@link models.GuildConfiguration} is registered, it will be ignored in the sort order
* @returns {Promise<function(Discord.GuildMember, Discord.GuildMember):number>} The `compareFunction` to be passed to the `Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>.sort()` method
module.exports = async guild => {
const { ids: { administratorId } } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
* Find the highest, non-administrator \<Role> of a specified \<GuildMember>
* @function modules.sortMembersByRoles~highestRole
* @param {Discord.GuildMember} member The \<GuildMember> to find the highest non-administrator \<Role> for
* @returns {Discord.Role} The highest non-administrator \<Role> of the \<GuildMember>
const highestRole = member => (member.roles.highest.id === administratorId)
// If the identifier of the member's highest role matches the registered administratorId in the <GuildConfiguration>,
// find the highest non-administrator <Role>
? member.roles.cache.filter(role => role.id !== administratorId).sort((roleOne, roleTwo) => roleOne.position - roleTwo.position).last()
// Otherwise, return the <GuildMemberRoleManager.highest>
: member.roles.highest;
// Return a function that calculates the difference between the positions of the highest roles of two members
// If memberTwo's highest role is higher than memberOne's, the function will return > 0
// If memberTwo's highest role is equal to memberOne's, the function will return 0
// If memberTwo's highest role is lower than memberOne's, the function will return < 0
return (memberOne, memberTwo) => highestRole(memberTwo).position - highestRole(memberOne).position;