'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
* `modules.processResources()` processes an input of lesson resource(s) into a string of the format
* required by [`<Lesson.submittedResources>`]{@link models.Lesson}
* @example
* // <MessageAttachment.name> = 'Message_Attachment_Name'
* // <MessageAttachment.url> = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...'
* // returns {string}:
* // [Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)\n
* // [Resource](https://...)\n
* // [Resource](https://...)
* modules.processResources(<MessageAttachment>, ['https://...', 'https://...']);
* @function modules.processResources
* @param {Discord.MessageAttachment} [attachment] An input \<MessageAttachment>
* @param {string[]} [urls] An input \<string[]> of URLs
* @returns {string} A formatted string of Markdown hyperlinks, where each resource is separated by a newline
module.exports = (attachment, urls) => {
// Format the link for the <MessageAttachment> if one exists
const attachmentLink = (attachment)
// If there is an attachment, format the link using the <MessageAttachment.name>
? `[${Discord.escapeMarkdown(attachment.name)}](${attachment.url})\n`
// Otherwise, set it to be an empty string
: '';
// Map each URL to the format of [Resource](URL), then join the string[] with a newline separator and append it to the attachment link
return attachmentLink + urls.map(url => `[Resource](${url})`).join('\n');