'use strict';
* An object of each unit of time, and the duration of that unit in milliseconds
* @memberof modules.formatDuration
'year': 31556952000,
'month': 2629800000,
'day': 86400000,
'hr': 3600000,
'min': 60000,
'sec': 1000,
* `modules.formatDuration()` formats a duration of time or a historical Unix timestamp (ms) into a formatted string
* describing the elapsed duration
* @example
* // returns '21 days, 9 hrs, 6 min'
* modules.formatDuration(1847160000, true);
* @function modules.formatDuration
* @param {number} raw A duration of elapsed time in milliseconds, or a Unix timestamp (ms) in the past
* @param {boolean} [isElapsed=false] Whether `raw` is a duration of elapsed time, or is a timestamp whose duration since must be calculated
* @returns {string} The formatted string describing the elapsed duration
module.exports = (raw, isElapsed = false) => {
// If the provided raw value is not an elapsed duration, calculate the time elapsed between the provided timestamp to the current time
if (!isElapsed) raw = Date.now() - raw;
// Map the duration values to a new string[] of each individual unit quantity
// i.e. ['', '', '21 days', '9 hrs', '6 min', '']
return Object.entries(UNIT_DURATIONS).map(([unit, duration]) => {
// Calculate the unit value of the elapsed duration for this unit duration of time
const unitValue = Math.floor(raw / duration);
// Replace the elapsed duration with the remainder after division by this unit duration of time
raw %= duration;
return (unitValue > 0)
// If the unit value for this unit duration of time is non-zero, set the mapped value to be the calculated unit quantity accompanied by the unit (pluralised if necessary)
? `${unitValue} ${(unitValue > 1) ? `${unit}s` : unit}`
// If the unit value for this unit duration of time is zero, set the mapped value to be an empty string ''
: '';
// Filter the new string[] for non-zero unit quantities
.filter(str => str !== '')
// Join the 3 most-significant unit quantities in the filtered string[] with a ', ' separator and then return the new string
.slice(0, 3)
.join(', ');