'use strict';
* `modules.enumerateResources()` enumerates a \<string[]> of submitted lesson resources,
* by ordering any \<MessageAttachment> links first, then numbering any URL resources as [Resource n]
* @example
* // returns ['[Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)', '[Resource 1](https://...)', '[Resource 2](https://...)']
* modules.enumerateResources(['[Resource](https://...)', '[Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)', '[Resource](https://...)']);
* @example
* // returns ['[Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)', '[Resource 1](https://...)', '[Resource 2](https://...)']
* modules.enumerateResources(['[Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)\n[Resource](https://...)', '[Resource](https://...)']);
* @example
* // returns {string}:
* // [Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)\n
* // [Resource 1](https://...)\n
* // [Resource 2](https://...)
* modules.enumerateResources(['[Resource](https://...)', '[Message_Attachment_Name](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/...)', '[Resource](https://...)'], true);
* @example
* // returns 'N/A'
* modules.enumerateResources([], true);
* @function modules.enumerateResources
* @param {string[]} array A \<string[]> of the lesson resources to enumerate
* @param {boolean} [toString=false] Whether to return the enumerated resources as a \<string[]> or a newline-delimited \<string>
* @returns {string | string[]} A newline-separated \<string>, or a \<string[]> of the enumerated resources
* - If the input \<string[]> is empty, a \<string> | \<string[]> of `N/A` will be returned
module.exports = (array, toString = false) => {
// Split apart any potential string[] elements which contain both a <MessageAttachment> and a URL, and return a flattened string[]
const processedArray = array.flatMap(resource => resource.split('\n'));
// Filter processedArray for any <MessageAttachment> resources, and store in a new string[]
const attachmentArray = processedArray.filter(resource => !resource.startsWith('[Resource]'));
// Filter processedArray for URL resources, then map to a new string[] of enumerated [Resource n] strings
const urlArray = processedArray.filter(resource => resource.startsWith('[Resource]'))
.map((resource, i) => `[Resource ${i + 1}]${resource.replace('[Resource]', '')}`);
// Concatenate the URL string[] to the <MessageAttachment> resource string[]
const combinedArr = [...attachmentArray, ...urlArray];
return (combinedArr.length)
// If the concatenated string[] is not empty, return either a newline-separated string or the string[] depending on the toString boolean
? (toString)
? combinedArr.join('\n')
: combinedArr
// Otherwise, return either a string or single-element string[] of 'N/A'
: (toString)
? 'N/A'
: ['N/A'];