'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { ids: { DEVELOPER_ID } } = require('../config');
const { prefixCommand } = require('../modules');
const { findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg } = require('../handlers');
/** */
* @function handlers.lessonInstructions
* @param {Discord.Snowflake} channelId
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild
module.exports = async (channelId, guild) => {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const { commands: { lesson, seen, assign, approve }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
const instructorCommands = `
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} view\` - Preview details and attached resources of an assigned lesson.
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} add\` - Add a resource to a lesson.
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} remove\` - Remove a resource from a lesson.
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} submit\` - Submit a lesson for approval.
\`${await prefixCommand(seen, guild)}\` - ${seen.description.general}
const staffCommands = `
\`${await prefixCommand(assign, guild)}\` - ${assign.description.general}
\`${await prefixCommand(approve, guild)}\` - ${approve.description.general}
const instructionsEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(bot.user.tag, bot.user.avatarURL())
.setDescription(`${bot.user} has a comprehensive collection of commands to assist with the assignment and production of lesson plans, with a simple system to manage lesson resources, supporting both file attachments and web links.`)
.addField('Instructor Commands', instructorCommands)
.addField('Training Staff Commands', staffCommands)
.setFooter(`All lesson commands can be accessed directly without the '${lesson.command}' parent.`);
const addField = `
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} add <URL>\`
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} add\` with an attached file
const addExample = `
\`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} add https://www.cadetnet.org.nz/\`
[Example of attaching a file](https://i.imgur.com/sUHIdTB.png)
const removeField = `
\`1.\` Type \`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} remove\`
\`2.\` A serialised list of submitted resources will be outputted
\`3.\` Reply with the serial of the resource you wish to remove
[Example of removing a resource](https://i.imgur.com/QDgRc5F.png)
const assignField = `
\`1.\` Type \`${await prefixCommand(assign, guild)} <user(s)>\`
\`2.\` Respond to the prompts in DMs
const developer = await bot.users.fetch(DEVELOPER_ID);
const assignExample = `
\`${await prefixCommand(assign, guild)} @${developer.username}\`
[Example of DM prompts](https://imgur.com/a/y6iO6d1)
const usageEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(bot.user.tag, bot.user.avatarURL())
.addField(`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} add`, addField, true)
.addField('Example', addExample, true)
.addField(`${await prefixCommand(lesson, guild)} remove`, removeField)
.addField(`${await prefixCommand(assign, guild)}`, assignField, true)
.addField('Example', assignExample, true);
const instructionsChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(channelId);
await sendMsg(instructionsChannel, { embeds: [instructionsEmbed] });
await sendMsg(instructionsChannel, { embeds: [usageEmbed] });
await sendMsg(instructionsChannel, { content: 'https://youtu.be/CKYvvE2ILAE' });