'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { ids: { DEVELOPER_ID } } = require('../config');
const { extractId, prefixCommand } = require('../modules');
const { debugError, directCommandError, findGuildConfiguration, permissionsHandler, upsertCommands } = require('../handlers');
/** */
* @function handlers.commandHandler
* @param {Discord.Message} msg The \<Message> that emitted the \<Client>#message event
module.exports = async msg => {
if (msg.author.bot) return;
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const guilds = bot.guilds.cache.filter(_guild => _guild.members.cache.has(msg.author.id));
if (!msg.guild && guilds.size !== 1 && msg.author.id !== DEVELOPER_ID) return directCommandError(msg, 'MULTIPLE_GUILDS');
const guild = msg.guild || guilds.first();
const { settings: { prefix }, commands: { help } } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
const args = msg.content.split(/ +/);
const usesPrefix = msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase());
const usesBotMention = extractId(args[0]) === bot.user.id;
if (!usesPrefix && (!usesBotMention || args.length === 1)) return;
await upsertCommands(guild);
bot.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commands = await require('../commands')(guild);
Object.keys(commands).map(key => {
bot.commands.set(commands[key].command, commands[key]);
const msgCommand = (usesBotMention)
? args.splice(0, 2)[1].toLowerCase()
: args.shift().toLowerCase().replace(prefix.toLowerCase(), '');
const command = bot.commands.get(msgCommand) || bot.commands.find(_command => _command.aliases.includes(msgCommand));
const helpCommand = bot.commands.get(help.command);
if (!command) {
const regExp = /[a-zA-Z]/g;
return (regExp.test(msgCommand))
? (!msg.guild)
? directCommandError(msg)
: helpCommand.execute({ msg, args })
: null;
const hasPerms = await permissionsHandler(msg, command);
if (hasPerms === 'ERROR') return;
if (msg.guild && !hasPerms) return helpCommand.execute({ msg, args });
else if (!msg.guild && !hasPerms) return directCommandError(msg, 'NO_PERMISSION');
else if (!msg.guild && !command.allowDirect) return directCommandError(msg, 'NO_DIRECT');
try {
command.execute({ msg, args, msgCommand });
catch (error) {
debugError(msg.guild, error, `Error executing ${await prefixCommand(command, guild)}`);