'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { dateTimeGroup } = require('../modules');
const { channelPairing, findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.onVoiceUpdate Event handler to log whenever a \<GuildMember> joins/leaves a \<VoiceChannel>, and to trigger [`handlers.channelPairing()`]{@link handlers.channelPairing}
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: ['voiceStateUpdate'],
process: [],
* @param {'voiceStateUpdate'} _ The event that was emitted
* @param {Discord.VoiceState} oldState The \<VoiceState> before the update
* @param {Discord.VoiceState} newState The \<VoiceState> after the update
async handler(_, oldState, newState) {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const { ids: { logId }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(newState.guild);
// Call handlers.channelPairing() to process channel pairing functionality in case the <VoiceChannel> is paired to a <TextChannel>
channelPairing(oldState, newState);
// Initialise log embed
const logEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(newState.member.displayName, newState.member.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }));
// Extract the <VoiceChannel.id> of the old <VoiceChannel> if it exists
// i.e. if the <GuildMember> has either left or changed channels
const oldChannelId = (oldState.channel)
? oldState.channelId
: null;
// Extract the <VoiceChannel.id> of the new <VoiceChannel> if it exists
// i.e. if the <GuildMember> has joined or changed channels
const newChannelId = (newState.channel)
? newState.channelId
: null;
if (!oldChannelId) {
// If there is no old <VoiceChannel>, i.e. the <GuildMember> has joined a <VoiceChannel>, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**${newState.member} joined voice channel ${newState.channel}**`);
logEmbed.setFooter(`Id: ${newState.member.id} | Channel: ${newChannelId} | ${await dateTimeGroup(newState.guild)}`);
else if (!newChannelId) {
// Otherwise, if there is no new <VoiceChannel>, i.e. the <GuildMember> has left a <VoiceChannel>, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**${newState.member} left voice channel ${oldState.channel}**`);
logEmbed.setFooter(`Id: ${newState.member.id} | Channel: ${oldChannelId} | ${await dateTimeGroup(newState.guild)}`);
else if (oldChannelId !== newChannelId) {
// Otherwise, if the two <VoiceChannel.id> snowflakes do not match, i.e. the <GuildMember> has changed from one <VoiceChannel> to another, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**${newState.member} changed voice channel ${oldState.channel} > ${newState.channel}**`);
logEmbed.setFooter(`Id: ${newState.member.id} | ${await dateTimeGroup(newState.guild)}`);
// For any other actions which may have emitted <Client>#voiceStateUpdate, cease further execution
else return;
// Get the guild's log channel and send the log embed
const logChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(logId);
sendMsg(logChannel, { embeds: [logEmbed] });