'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { dateTimeGroup, updatedPermissions } = require('../modules');
const { findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg, verifyBotPermissions } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.onRoleUpdate Event handler to log whenever a guild \<Role> is updated
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: ['roleUpdate'],
process: [],
* @param {'roleUpdate'} _ The event that was emitted
* @param {Discord.Role} oldRole The \<Role> before the update
* @param {Discord.Role} newRole The \<Role> after the update
async handler(_, oldRole, newRole) {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const { ids: { logId }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(newRole.guild);
// Initialise log embed
const logEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(newRole.guild.name, newRole.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setFooter(`Id: ${newRole.id} | ${await dateTimeGroup(newRole.guild)}`);
if (oldRole.color !== newRole.color) {
// If the <Role> colour has changed, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**Role colour ${newRole} changed**`);
logEmbed.addField('Before', oldRole.hexColor);
logEmbed.addField('After', newRole.hexColor);
else if (oldRole.name !== newRole.name) {
// Otherwise, if the <Role> name has changed, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**Role name ${newRole} changed**`);
logEmbed.addField('Before', oldRole.name);
logEmbed.addField('After', newRole.name);
else if (oldRole.permissions !== newRole.permissions) {
// Otherwise, if the <Role> permissions have changed, set the log embed accordingly
logEmbed.setDescription(`**Role permissions ${newRole} changed**`);
// Get the <PermissionString[]> of the old <Role> permissions
const oldPermissions = oldRole.permissions.toArray();
// Use modules.updatedPermissions() to get the <PermissionString[]> of the difference between the two <Role> objects
const changedPermissions = updatedPermissions(oldRole, newRole);
// Filter the <PermissionString[]> difference for removed permissions, i.e. the ones which exist in the old <Role> permissions
const removedPermissions = changedPermissions.filter(permission => oldPermissions.includes(permission));
// Filter the <PermissionString[]> difference for added permissions, i.e. the ones which don't exist in the old <Role> permissions
const addedPermissions = changedPermissions.filter(permission => !oldPermissions.includes(permission));
// Ensure there were some added/removed permissions that were successfully filtered, otherwise cease further execution
// This line is necessary as a <Role.position> change may enter this if-else block, but with no differences between <PermissionString[]>
if (!addedPermissions.length && !removedPermissions.length) return;
// If there were permissions added, add a field to the log embed to list the added permissions
if (addedPermissions.length > 0) logEmbed.addField('Added Permissions', addedPermissions.join('\n'));
// If there were permissions removed, add a field to the log embed to list the removed permissions
if (removedPermissions.length > 0) logEmbed.addField('Removed Permissions', removedPermissions.join('\n'));
// If the bot's <GuildMember> has the <Role> that has changed, call handlers.verifyBotPermissions() to ensure the bot has the necessary <Discord.Permissions>
if (newRole.guild.me.roles.cache.get(newRole.id)) verifyBotPermissions(newRole.guild, changedPermissions);
// For any other actions which may have emitted <Client>#roleUpdate, cease further execution
else return;
// Get the guild's log channel and send the log embed
const logChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(logId);
sendMsg(logChannel, { embeds: [logEmbed] });