'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { ids: { DEFAULT_GUILD, DEVELOPER_ID } } = require('../config');
const { prefixCommand } = require('../modules');
const { embedScaffold, findGuildConfiguration, lessonReminders, unsubmittedLessons, verifyBotPermissions } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.onReady Event handler to notify the developer and execute the bot's startup routine
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: ['ready'],
process: [],
* when the \<Client> becomes ready to start working
async handler() {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const { commands: { help }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration();
// Log the successful log-in to the console
console.info(`Logged in as ${bot.user.tag}!`);
// Set the bot's activity status
bot.user.setActivity(`the radio net | ${await prefixCommand(help)}`, { type: 'LISTENING' });
// Fetch the developer's <User>
const developer = await bot.users.fetch(DEVELOPER_ID);
// If the bot cannot find the config's default guild, send an error message to the developer and cease further execution
if (!bot.guilds.cache.get(DEFAULT_GUILD)) return embedScaffold(null, developer, '**Error reaching the default server, check the config!**', colours.error, 'DEVELOPER', 'Server Id', DEFAULT_GUILD);
// Otherwise, send a success message to the developer
embedScaffold(null, developer, '**Ready to go!**', colours.success, 'DEVELOPER');
// Iterate through each of the bot's guilds and perform the bot's startup routine
bot.guilds.cache.each(guild => {
// Call handlers.verifyBotPermissions() to ensure the bot has the necessary <Discord.Permissions>
// Call handlers.unsubmittedLessons() to update the embed displaying all current unsubmitted lessons
// Call handlers.lessonReminders() to schedule weekly lesson reminders on unsubmitted lessons