'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { emojis } = require('../config');
const { createGuild, verifyBotPermissions } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.onGuildCreate Event handler to initialise the \<GuildConfiguration> whenever the \<Client> joins a new \<Guild>
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: ['guildCreate'],
process: [],
* @param {'guildCreate'} _ The event that was emitted
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The created \<Guild>
async handler(_, guild) {
// Initialise the guild by calling handlers.createGuild()
await createGuild(guild);
// Call handlers.verifyBotPermissions() to ensure the bot has the necessary <Discord.Permissions>
// Loop through each of Pronto's configured emojis in ..\config.js
for (const emoji of Object.values(emojis)) {
// If the guild does not already have a guild with a matching name, create it for the guild
if (!guild.emojis.cache.some(guildEmoji => guildEmoji.name === emoji.name)) {
guild.emojis.create(emoji.url, emoji.name);