'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { dateTimeGroup } = require('../modules');
const { deleteMsg, findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.onBulkDelete Event handler to log whenever messages are deleted in bulk, and delete the purge command message if it exists
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: ['messageDeleteBulk'],
process: [],
* @param {'messageDeleteBulk'} _ The event that was emitted
* @param {Discord.Collection<Discord.Snowflake, Discord.Message>} msgs The deleted messages, mapped by their Id
async handler(_, msgs) {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
const { ids: { logId }, commands: { purge }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(msgs.first().guild);
// Extract the first deleted message to access a <Message> instance
const msg = msgs.first();
// Attempt to get the last message in the <TextChannel>
// This may be null if the <TextChannel> was completely emptied
const lastMsg = msg.channel.lastMessage;
// Initialise log embed
const logEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(await dateTimeGroup(msg.guild));
if (!lastMsg) {
// If the channel was completely emptied, then there is not any <Message> to extract further context from
logEmbed.setAuthor(msg.guild.name, msg.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true }));
logEmbed.setDescription(`**${[...msgs.keys()].length} messages bulk deleted in ${msg.channel}**`);
// However, if there was indeed a remaining message, check to see if it was a commands\purge.js <Command>
else if (lastMsg.content.includes(purge.command) || purge.aliases.some(alias => lastMsg.content.includes(alias))) {
// If it was, delete the command message
// Add additional context to the log embed on the command author
logEmbed.setAuthor(lastMsg.author.tag, lastMsg.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }));
logEmbed.setDescription(`**${[...msgs.keys()].length} messages bulk deleted by ${lastMsg.author} in ${msg.channel}**`);
// Get the guild's log channel and send the log embed
const logChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(logId);
sendMsg(logChannel, { embeds: [logEmbed] });