'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const fs = require('fs');
* @namespace events
* @typedef {Object} events.EventModule The complete \<EventModule> object for one of Pronto's event module
* @property {string[]} bot A string[] of valid \<Client>#event(s) that this \<EventModule> applies to
* @property {string[]} process A string[] of valid \<Process>#event(s) that this \<EventModule> applies to
* @property {events.EventHandler} handler The event handler function to execute when specified event(s) are emitted
* @typedef {Object.<string, events.EventModule>} events.EventModules The complete \<EventModules> object for all of Pronto's event modules, where each [\<EventHandler>]{@link events.EventHandler} is stored in the \<EventHandlers> object under a string property
* @typedef {function} events.EventHandler An event handler function to execute when specified event(s) are emitted
* @param {string} event The event that was emitted
* @param {...*} args The emitted arguments
* @returns {void}
* Pronto's complete \<EventModules> object
* @type {Typings.EventModules}
// Load the events folder
module.exports = processIndex('./events');
* Load the bot's \<EventModules> from the specified directory
* @function events.index~processIndex
* @param {string} directory The directory to load each \<EventModule> from
* @returns {Typings.EventModules} The loaded \<EventModules> object, containing each \<EventModule> in a nested object
function processIndex(directory) {
// Read the file names of every JavaScript file in the directory, other than the index file
const files = fs.readdirSync(directory).filter(file => file.endsWith('.js') && file !== 'index.js');
// For each <EventModule>, create a new nested object within the returned object under a property matching its file name
return Object.fromEntries(
files.map(file => {
// Parse the name of the module from the file name
const moduleName = file.replace('.js', '');
// Create a [key, value] pair for the moduleName and the loaded <EventModule>
return [moduleName, require(`.${directory}/${moduleName}`)];