'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { ids: { DEVELOPER_ID } } = require('../config');
const { dateTimeGroup, formatDuration } = require('../modules');
const { findGuildConfiguration, sendDirect } = require('../handlers');
* @member {events.EventModule} events.exit Event handler to notify the developer that the bot is restarting, and to close the MongoDB connection
* @type {Typings.EventModule}
module.exports = {
bot: [],
process: ['exit', 'SIGINT'],
* @param {'exit' | 'SIGINT'} event The event that was emitted
* @param {number} [code] The code to exit with
async handler(event, code) {
const { bot, version } = require('../pronto');
// If the event that was emitted was Process#exit, log the code to the console along with the bot's uptime
if (event === 'exit') console.log(`Exiting with code ${code}, uptime of ${formatDuration(bot.uptime, true)}`);
// Asynchronous operations below this point are abandoned when handling Process#exit, and the process terminates here
const { colours } = await findGuildConfiguration();
// Create restart embed
const restartEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(bot.user.tag, bot.user.avatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
// Parse <Client.uptime> through modules.formatDuration()
.addField('Uptime', formatDuration(bot.uptime, true))
.setFooter(`${await dateTimeGroup()} | Pronto v${version}`);
// Fetch the developer's <User> and send the restart embed to them
const developer = await bot.users.fetch(DEVELOPER_ID);
await sendDirect(developer, { embeds: [restartEmbed] }, null, true);
// Close the MongoDB connection
await mongoose.connection.close(() => console.log('Disconnected from Mongoose'));
// Explicitly call the process.exit() method with a code of 0 to terminate the process