'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('./typings');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
* @namespace config
* @typedef {Object} config.Configuration An \<Object> containing the default configuration for Pronto
* @property {Object} settings The default settings object
* @property {Discord.PermissionResolvable} settings.PERMISSIONS_INTEGER The minimum \<Discord.Permissions> integer that Pronto requires
* @property {string} settings.prefix The default command prefix
* @property {string} settings.longDate The default dateformat mask for date-time groups
* @property {string} settings.shortDate The default dateformat mask for shortened date strings
* @property {string} settings.prontoLogo The image URL to display as the default logo for Pronto
* @property {string} settings.lessonCron The default cron expression for scheduled lesson reminders
* @property {string} settings.timezone The default [moment-timezone]{@link https://momentjs.com/timezone/} to schedule lesson reminders in
* @property {Object} ids An \<Object> of constant identifiers/snowflakes that Pronto uses
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.DEFAULT_GUILD The \<Guild.id> of the 'master' guild
* @property {Discord.Snowflake} ids.DEVELOPER_ID The \<User.id> of the developer
* @property {Object.<string, config.DefaultChannel | config.DefaultRole>} defaults An \<Object> of all the different channels/roles that Pronto recognises
* @property {Object} emojis The default emojis object
* @property {models.Emoji} emojis.success The default success [\<Emoji>]{@link models.Emoji}
* @property {models.Emoji} emojis.error The default error [\<Emoji>]{@link models.Emoji}
* @property {models.Colours} colours The default [\<Colours>]{@link models.Colours} object
* @typedef {'TEXT' | 'CATEGORY'} config.DefaultChannelType The type of the required \<GuildChannel>
* @typedef {Object} config.DefaultChannel An \<Object> describing a \<GuildChannel> that Pronto requires
* @property {string} name The name of the required \<GuildChannel>
* @property {config.DefaultChannelType} type The type of the required \<GuildChannel>
* @property {?string} description The \<TextChannel.topic> of the channel for the created \<GuildChannel>
* @property {?string} parent The name of the parent \<CategoryChannel> for the created \<GuildChannel>
* @typedef {Object} config.DefaultRole An \<Object> describing a \<Role> that Pronto recognises
* @property {string} name The name of the recognised \<Role>
* @type {Typings.Configuration}
module.exports = {
settings: {
prefix: '!',
longDate: 'HHMM "h" ddd, d mmm yy',
shortDate: 'd mmm',
prontoLogo: 'https://i.imgur.com/Whgm87R.png',
lessonCron: '0 16 * * 3',
timezone: 'Pacific/Auckland',
ids: {
DEFAULT_GUILD: '765758073942966272',
DEVELOPER_ID: '192181901065322496',
defaults: {
debug: {
name: 'debugging',
type: 'TEXT',
get description() {
const { bot } = require('./pronto');
return `For debugging <@!${bot.user.id}>.`;
log: {
name: 'log-channel',
type: 'TEXT',
description: 'Log channel.',
attendance: {
name: 'attendance',
type: 'TEXT',
description: 'To assist in **recording attendance** and **monitoring leave**; leave tickets will be sent here.',
recruiting: {
name: 'recruiting',
type: 'TEXT',
description: 'For everything related to **recruitment**.',
welcome: {
name: 'welcome',
type: 'TEXT',
description: '**Introduce yourself!** You can ask us any questions you might have here, or just say hello!',
lessonReference: {
name: 'reference',
type: 'TEXT',
get description() {
const { bot } = require('./pronto');
return `Reference channel for <@!${bot.user.id}>'s **lesson plans** feature set.`;
get parent() {
const { defaults } = require('./config');
return defaults.lessons.name;
lessonPlans: {
name: 'lesson-plans',
type: 'TEXT',
description: 'An archive of **completed** and **approved** lesson plans.',
get parent() {
const { defaults } = require('./config');
return defaults.lessons.name;
pronto: {
name: 'Pronto',
type: 'CATEGORY',
archived: {
name: 'Archived',
type: 'CATEGORY',
lessons: {
name: 'Lesson Plans',
type: 'CATEGORY',
visitor: {
name: 'visitor',
administrator: {
name: 'administrator',
emojis: {
success: {
name: 'success',
url: 'https://i.imgur.com/OMi5RLT.png',
error: {
name: 'error',
url: 'https://i.imgur.com/DW8EJJ7.png',
colours: {
default: 0x1b1b1b,
primary: 0xffd456,
leave: 0xd31145,
success: 0x45bb8a,
warn: 0xffcc4d,
error: 0xef4949,