/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { dateTimeGroup, jsCodeBlock, ...modules } = require('../modules');
const { commandError, deleteMsg, findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg, ...handlers } = require('../handlers');
* @member {commands.Command} commands.evaluate Evaluate JavaScript code directly from a Discord message
* Complete the \<Command> object from a \<BaseCommand>
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The \<Guild> that the member shares with the bot
* @returns {Promise<Typings.Command>} The complete \<Command> object with a \<Command.execute()> method
module.exports = async guild => {
const { commands: { evaluate, ...commands }, colours, _doc: config, ...document } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
* @param {Typings.CommandParameters} parameters The \<CommandParameters> to execute this command
evaluate.execute = async ({ msg, args }) => {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
// Parse the short flags from the message, which consist of single letters that may be joined together under a single '-'
// Construct a string[] of each individual flag letter
const shortFlags = args.filter(arg => arg.match(/(?<![-a-zA-Z])-[A-z]+(?![\s\S]*})/g))
.flatMap(flags => [...flags.replace('-', '')]);
// Flag for whether to display the evaluated result in a code block
const codeBlock = !(args.includes('--no-code') || args.includes('--plain') || shortFlags.includes('P'));
// Flag for whether to supress result
const silent = (args.includes('--silent') || shortFlags.includes('s'));
// Flag for whether to delete the command message
if (args.includes('--delete') || shortFlags.includes('d')) deleteMsg(msg);
// Filter out all flags from the message prior to evaluation
// Use regex to ensure only flags containing letters are filtered, and not numbers or standalone '-' characters
args = args.filter(arg => !arg.match(/(?<!(?<!--\w*)[a-zA-Z])-{1,2}[a-zA-Z]+/g));
// If the arguments contain a codeblock, separate arguments by newlines rather than spaces, and filter out the codeblocks
if (args.includes('```')) args = args.join(' ').split('\n').filter(arg => !arg.includes('```'));
// If there is no code to evaluate, return an error
if (args.length === 0) return commandError(msg, 'You must enter something to evaluate.', evaluate.error);
// Join the processed arguments together to form the code to evaluate
const code = args.join(' ');
try {
// Initialise an embed
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
// Only evaluate the code if there is no attempt to extract the bot token
let result = (!code.toLowerCase().includes('token'))
? await eval(`(async () => { return ${code} })()`)
: '*'.repeat(bot.token.length);
// If the embed has been modified, automatically send it into the message channel
if (code.includes('embed.')) sendMsg(msg.channel, { embeds: [embed] });
// Supress result if flag was present
if (silent) return;
// If the evaluated result is not a string, convert it
if (typeof result !== 'string') result = convertToString(result);
// Attempt to remove any sensitive information from evaluated result
// WARNING: This is primarily to prevent erroneous output, and IS NOT a robust implementation
result = removeSensitive(result);
// Pass the evaluated result into msgSplit(), breaking at the '},' substring
// Remove any existing codeblocks, so they can be added again after the string has been split
msgSplit(result.replace(/```j?s?/g, ''), '},');
// If there is an issue in the evaluation of the code, pass it into msgSplit(), breaking at the ')' substring
catch (error) { msgSplit(error.stack, ')'); }
* Split a string into the necessary number of messages to accommodate for Discord's message character limit, splitting at a specified convenient substring
* @function commands.evaluate~msgSplit
* @param {string} str The string to split into (potentially) multiple messages
* @param {string} [substr] The substring at which to break
function msgSplit(str, substr) {
// Loop while the string has not yet been sent in its entirety
while (str) {
// The maximum index at which to break the message
// This is the maximum character limit of a Discord <Message>
const MAXIMUM_INDEX = 2000;
// Use the codeblock boolean flag to determine whether to wrap result in a codeblock
// If so, ensure the MAXIMUM_INDEX accounts for the codeblock characters
const breakIndex = (codeBlock)
? findBreakIndex(str, substr, MAXIMUM_INDEX)
: findBreakIndex(str, substr, MAXIMUM_INDEX - '```js\n```'.length);
// Wrap the message in a codeblock if flag is true, and send the message payload
? sendMsg(msg.channel, { content: jsCodeBlock(str.substr(0, breakIndex)) })
: sendMsg(msg.channel, { content: str.substr(0, breakIndex) });
// Remove the sent message content from the string before next iteration
str = str.substr(breakIndex);
return evaluate;
* Convert an object (or other non-string type) to its string representation
* @function commands.evaluate~convertToString
* @param {Object | *} toConvert An object, or any other data type, to be inspected and converted into a string
* @returns {string} A string representation of the input
function convertToString(toConvert) {
// Use util.inspect() to inspect and convert the data type to a string
return require('util').inspect(toConvert);
* Censor sensitive information from an input string, and return the result
* @function commands.evaluate~removeSensitive
* @param {string} str The string to be censored
* @returns {string} The resultant censored string
function removeSensitive(str) {
// Parse the githook through convertToString()
const githook = convertToString(process.env.githook);
// string[] of highly sensitive information to be censored
// WARNING: This IS NOT a comprehensive or robust list
// Strip the opening and closing {} from parsed githook string
const sensitives = [process.env.TOKEN, githook.substr(1, githook.length - 2), process.env.SECRET, process.env.MONGOURI];
// Loop through each sensitive string
for (let i = 0; i < sensitives.length; i++) {
// Replace any occurrences of the sensitive string with '*'
// WARNING: This filter DOES NOT cover substrings of sensitive strings
str = str.replace(new RegExp(sensitives[i], 'g'), '*'.repeat(sensitives[i].length));
// Return the censored string
return str;
* Find the last occurrence of a given substring within a string to ensure a comfortable message split position
* @function commands.evaluate~findBreakIndex
* @param {string} str The string to search within
* @param {?string} substr The substring at which to break
* @param {number} maximumIndex The maximum length that the message can be
* @returns {number} The index of the last occurrence of the substring
function findBreakIndex(str, substr, maximumIndex) {
// Find the last occurrence of the specified substring, but before the maximum index (accounting for the length of the substring itself)
const substrIndex = str.lastIndexOf(substr, maximumIndex - substr.length);
const hasSubstr = substrIndex !== -1;
// Find the last occurrence of a ' ' character as a fallback
const spaceIndex = str.lastIndexOf(' ', maximumIndex - 1);
const hasSpace = spaceIndex !== -1;
return (str.length > maximumIndex)
// If the length of the string is greater than the maximum index and must be broken, follow the truthy tree
? (hasSubstr)
// If the substring is present, return the index immediately after the last occurrence of the substring
? substrIndex + substr.length
: (hasSpace)
// Otherwise, return the index of the last space character if present
? spaceIndex
// If there is not a space character, break at the maximum index
: maximumIndex
// Otherwise, simply return the maximum index
: maximumIndex;