'use strict';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { ids: { DEVELOPER_ID } } = require('../config');
const { formatList } = require('../modules');
const { findGuildConfiguration } = require('../handlers');
* @typedef {string} commands.CommandName The name of the command
* @typedef {Object} commands.CommandDescription The description of the command, which may differ depending on whether the message command is qualified with a different [\<CommandName>]{@link commands.CommandName} as an argument
* @property {string} general The description of the command, or the description to display in the command's base help text if the command supports a dynamic description
* @property {?string} unqualified The description to display as the command's base description if the command supports a dynamic description
* @property {?string} qualified The description to display as the command's description if qualified with a different [\<CommandName>]{@link commands.CommandName}, if the command supports a dynamic description
* @typedef {Object} commands.BaseCommand The base of each of Pronto's commands, with the base properties to construct a complete [\<Command>]{@link commands.Command}
* @property {commands.CommandName} command The name of the command
* @property {string[]} aliases The aliases for the command
* @property {commands.CommandDescription} description The [\<CommandDescription>]{@link commands.CommandDescription} object of the command
* @property {boolean} allowDirect Whether to allow the command to execute from a direct message
* @property {Discord.Snowflake[]} requiredRoles A \<Role.id[]> of which the \<GuildMember> must have at least one to execute the command
* @property {Discord.Snowflake[]} deniedRoles A \<Role.id[]> of which the \<GuildMember> must have none to execute the command
* @property {boolean} developerOnly Whether the command is only executable by the developer defined by [`config.ids.DEVELOPER_ID`]{@link config.Configuration}
* @property {boolean} displayInList Whether to display the command in the guild's commands list
* @property {Readonly<string>} help The help text to display for the command
* @property {Readonly<?string>} error The error text to display for the command
* @typedef {Object.<commands.CommandName, commands.BaseCommand>} commands.BaseCommands The base of Pronto's commands object, where each [\<BaseCommand>]{@link commands.BaseCommand} is stored in the \<BaseCommands> object under the property [{@link commands.CommandName|CommandName}]
* @typedef {commands.BaseCommand} commands.Command The complete \<Command> object for one of Pronto's commands, with a [\<Command.execute()>]{@link commands.CommandExecute} method
* @property {commands.CommandExecute} execute The command's [\<Command.execute()>]{@link commands.CommandExecute} method
* @typedef {Object.<commands.CommandName, commands.Command>} commands.Commands The complete \<Commands> object for all of Pronto's commands, where each [\<Command>]{@link commands.Command} is stored in the \<Commands> object under the property [{@link commands.CommandName|CommandName}]
* @typedef {function} commands.CommandExecute A command's \<Command.execute()> method
* @param {commands.CommandParameters} parameters The [\<CommandParameters>]{@link commands.CommandParameters} to execute this command
* @returns {Promise<void | Typings.Lesson>} Void, or the [\<Lesson>]{@link models.Lesson} document
* @typedef {Object} commands.CommandParameters An \<Object> of the valid parameters accepted by the [\<Command.execute()>]{@link commands.CommandExecute} method
* @property {Discord.Message} msg The \<Message> that executed the \<Command>, or the \<Message> that the reaction collector was attached to
* @property {?string[]} args The \<string[]> containing the command arguments
* @property {?string} msgCommand The message argument that was parsed to this [\<BaseCommand>]{@link commands.BaseCommand}, i.e. either \<BaseCommand.command> or \<BaseCommand.aliases.includes(msgCommand)>
* @property {?Discord.User} user The \<User> that triggered the reaction collector
* Load the [\<BaseCommands>]{@link commands.BaseCommands} object for the specified guild
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The \<Guild> to load the [\<BaseCommands>]{@link commands.BaseCommands} for
* @returns {Promise<Typings.BaseCommands>} The guild's complete [\<BaseCommands>]{@link commands.BaseCommands} object
module.exports = async guild => {
const { settings: { prefix }, ids } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
* @type {Typings.BaseCommands}
const commands = {
ping: {
command: 'ping',
aliases: ['p'],
description: {
general: 'Test the latency of the bot.',
allowDirect: true,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: true,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
uptime: {
command: 'uptime',
aliases: ['up'],
description: {
general: 'Time since last restart.',
allowDirect: true,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: true,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
evaluate: {
command: 'evaluate',
aliases: ['eval'],
description: {
general: 'Evaluate JavaScript code.',
allowDirect: true,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: true,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <code>`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
restart: {
command: 'restart',
aliases: ['new', 'kill', 'update'],
description: {
general: 'Restart the bot.',
allowDirect: true,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: true,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
help: {
command: 'help',
aliases: ['cmd', 'cmds', 'command', 'commands'],
description: {
general: 'Get help with using Pronto.',
unqualified: 'List of the commands you can use.',
qualified: 'Get help with a specific command.',
allowDirect: true,
requiredRoles: [ids.everyoneId],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} [command]`,
'Examples': `\n${prefixCommand(this)}\n${prefixCommand(this)} ${commands.leave.command}`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
leave: {
command: 'leave',
aliases: ['lv'],
description: {
general: 'Submit a leave request.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <date(s)> <activity> <reason> [additional remarks]`,
'Example': `${prefixCommand(this)} 01 Jan for Parade Night due to an appointment`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
lesson: {
command: 'lesson',
aliases: ['view', 'add', 'remove', 'submit'],
description: {
general: 'Commands to aid in actioning an assigned lesson.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: false,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
'Allowed Categories': `<#${ids.lessonsId}>`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
seen: {
command: 'seen',
aliases: ['ack'],
description: {
general: 'Acknowledge receipt of a lesson warning.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: false,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
'Allowed Categories': `<#${ids.lessonsId}>`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
leaveFor: {
command: 'leavefor',
aliases: ['lv4'],
description: {
general: 'Submit a leave request for another cadet.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <user> <date(s)> <activity> <reason> [additional remarks]`,
'Example': `${prefixCommand(this)} <@${DEVELOPER_ID}> 01 Jan for Parade Night due to an appointment`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
attendance: {
command: 'attendance',
aliases: ['att', 'attdnce'],
description: {
general: 'Submit an attendance register.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `\n${prefixCommand(this)} <message>`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
connected: {
command: 'connected',
aliases: ['cnnct', 'cnnctd'],
description: {
general: 'List the members connected to a voice channel.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <voice channel>`,
'Example': `${prefixCommand(this)} #example-voice`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
assign: {
command: 'assign',
aliases: ['give'],
description: {
general: 'Assign a lesson to an instructor.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <user(s)>`,
'Example': `${prefixCommand(this)} <@${DEVELOPER_ID}>`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
approve: {
command: 'approve',
aliases: ['app', 'apprv', 'acc', 'accept'],
description: {
general: 'Approve a lesson plan.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': prefixCommand(this),
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
'Allowed Categories': `<#${ids.lessonsId}>`,
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
archive: {
command: 'archive',
aliases: ['archv'],
description: {
general: 'Archive a text channel.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <text channel>`,
'Example': `${prefixCommand(this)} #example-text`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
purge: {
command: 'purge',
aliases: ['del', 'delete', 'clear'],
description: {
general: 'Delete a number of messages from a channel.',
allowDirect: false,
requiredRoles: [],
deniedRoles: [],
developerOnly: false,
displayInList: true,
get help() {
return formatList({
'Aliases': prefixAliases(this),
'Description': this.description.general,
'Usage': `${prefixCommand(this)} <count> [user]`,
'Examples': `\n${prefixCommand(this)} 10\n${prefixCommand(this)} 5 <@${DEVELOPER_ID}>`,
'Allowed Roles': formatRoles(this.requiredRoles),
get error() {
return errorText(this.help, this.command);
return commands;
function formatRoles(array) {
return (array)
? array.filter(roleId => roleId !== ids.administratorId && roleId !== ids.everyoneId)
.reduce((mentions, roleId, i) => mentions + `${(i % 3 === 0) ? '\n' : ''}<@&${roleId}> `, '')
: '';
function errorText(helpText, command) {
return '\n\n' + helpText + '\n' + formatList({
'Help Command': `${prefixCommand(commands.help)} ${command}`,
function prefixCommand(command) {
return `${prefix}${command.command}`;
function prefixAliases(command) {
return [...command.aliases]
.map(alias => prefix + alias)
.join(', ');