'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { Lesson } = require('../models');
const { dateTimeGroup } = require('../modules');
const { commandError, debugError, embedScaffold, errorReact, findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg, successReact } = require('../handlers');
* @member {commands.Command} commands.archive Archive a \<TextChannel> by restricting channel visibility and moving it to a designated channel category
* Complete the \<Command> object from a \<BaseCommand>
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The \<Guild> that the member shares with the bot
* @returns {Promise<Typings.Command>} The complete \<Command> object with a \<Command.execute()> method
module.exports = async guild => {
const { ids: { logId, archivedId }, commands: { archive }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
* @param {Typings.CommandParameters} parameters The \<CommandParameters> to execute this command
archive.execute = ({ msg }) => {
const { bot } = require('../pronto');
// Extract the first mentioned channel
const channel = msg.mentions.channels.first();
try {
// Ensure there was at least one <GuildChannel> mentioned
if (msg.mentions.channels.size === 0) throw 'You must specify a text channel.';
// Ensure <GuildChannel> is of type <TextChannel> or <NewsChannel>
else if (msg.mentions.channels.some(mention => mention.type !== 'text' && mention.type !== 'news')) throw 'You can only archive text channels.';
// Ensure there was only one channel mentioned
else if (msg.mentions.channels.size > 1) throw 'You must archive channels individually.';
// Ensure channel is not already archived
else if (bot.channels.cache.get(channel.id).parentId === archivedId) throw 'Channel is already archived.';
catch (thrownError) { return commandError(msg, thrownError, archive.error); }
// Delete database document when archiving a lesson channel
Lesson.findOneAndDelete({ lessonId: msg.channel.id }).exec()
.catch(error => console.error(error));
// Move channel to archive category
channel.setParent(archivedId, { lockPermissions: true })
.then(async () => {
// Success react to command message
// Create archive embed
const archiveEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Channel Archived 🔒')
.setAuthor(msg.member.displayName, msg.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setFooter(await dateTimeGroup(guild));
// Send archive embed
sendMsg(channel, { embeds: [archiveEmbed] });
// Create log embed
const logEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(msg.author.tag, msg.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setDescription(`**Channel ${channel} archived by ${msg.author}**`)
.setFooter(`User: ${msg.author.id} | Channel: ${channel.id} | ${await dateTimeGroup(guild)}`);
// Get the guild's log channel and send the log embed
const logChannel = bot.channels.cache.get(logId);
sendMsg(logChannel, { embeds: [logEmbed] });
.catch(error => {
// If error, react with error and send error messages
embedScaffold(guild, msg.channel, `${msg.author} Error archiving ${channel}.`, colours.error, 'MESSAGE');
debugError(guild, error, `Error archiving ${channel}.`);
return archive;