'use strict';
const Discord = require('discord.js');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const Typings = require('../typings');
const { Lesson } = require('../models');
const { dateTimeGroup, enumerateResources } = require('../modules');
const { commandError, debugError, findGuildConfiguration, sendMsg, successReact } = require('../handlers');
* @member {commands.Command} commands.approve Approve a submitted lesson plan in a lesson channel, either from a message command or a message reaction
* Complete the \<Command> object from a \<BaseCommand>
* @param {Discord.Guild} guild The \<Guild> that the member shares with the bot
* @returns {Promise<Typings.Command>} The complete \<Command> object with a \<Command.execute()> method
module.exports = async guild => {
const { ids: { lessonsId, lessonPlansId }, commands: { approve }, colours } = await findGuildConfiguration(guild);
* @param {Typings.CommandParameters} parameters The \<CommandParameters> to execute this command
* @returns {Promise<void | Typings.Lesson>} The mongoose document for the lesson
approve.execute = async ({ msg, user }) => {
* @type {?Typings.Lesson}
// Find <Lesson> document by querying database for lesson channel Id
const lessonDocument = await Lesson.findOne({ lessonId: msg.channel.id }).exec()
.catch(error => console.error(error));
try {
// Ensure message channel is contained within lessons category
if (msg.channel.parentId !== lessonsId) {
const lessonsCategory = msg.guild.channels.cache.get(lessonsId);
throw `You can only use that command in **${lessonsCategory}**.`;
// Ensure <Lesson> has been found
else if (!lessonDocument) throw 'Invalid lesson channel.';
// Ensure lesson has not already been approved
else if (lessonDocument.approved) throw 'This lesson has already been approved.';
// Ensure lesson has been submitted and is awaiting approval
else if (!lessonDocument.submitted) throw 'This lesson has not yet been submitted by the instructor(s).';
// Ensure there have not been any changes since previous submission
else if (lessonDocument.changed) throw 'There are currently unsubmitted changes.';
catch (thrownError) {
// If approve is triggered by reaction, ensure msg has the correct author properties (approver, not submitter)
msg = (user)
? {
guild: msg.guild,
author: await msg.guild.members.fetch(user.id).user,
member: await msg.guild.members.fetch(user.id),
channel: msg.channel,
deleted: true,
: msg;
return commandError(msg, thrownError, approve.error);
// Success react if executed via command
if (!user) successReact(msg);
// Get the master lesson plans channel
const lessonPlansChannel = msg.guild.channels.cache.get(lessonPlansId);
// Create lesson submission embed
const submissionEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(msg.member.displayName, msg.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }))
.setTitle(`Lesson Plan - ${lessonDocument.lessonName}`)
.addField('Instructor(s)', lessonDocument.processMentions())
.addField('Lesson', lessonDocument.lessonName)
.addField('Lesson Plan Due', lessonDocument.dueDate)
.addField('Lesson Date', lessonDocument.lessonDate)
.addField('Resources', enumerateResources(lessonDocument.submittedResources, true))
.setFooter(await dateTimeGroup(guild));
// If lesson has not yet been archived in the master channel, send a copy into the channel
if (!lessonDocument.archiveId) {
sendMsg(lessonPlansChannel, { embeds: [submissionEmbed] })
.then(async archiveMsg => {
// Record the archived message's Id
lessonDocument.archiveId = archiveMsg.id;
await lessonDocument.save().catch(error => console.error(error));
// If the lesson has previously been archived and has been updated, update the original message
else {
let archiveMsg, before;
// Filter messages in the archive channel for the archived message's Id
while (!archiveMsg) {
// Fetch messages in blocks of 100 (maximum allowed by the API) moving back in time until archive message is found
await lessonPlansChannel.messages.fetch({ limit: 100, before })
.then(msgs => {
// Attempt to find the message matching the archived message's Id
archiveMsg = msgs.get(lessonDocument.archiveId);
// Update oldest message Id
before = msgs.last().id;
.catch(error => debugError(guild, error, `Error fetching messages in ${lessonPlansChannel}.`));
// Edit the archived message
// Resolve the approving user, depending on whether executed via command or reaction
const approver = user || msg.author;
// Create lesson approval embed
const approvedEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`${approver} has approved this lesson plan.`)
.setFooter(await dateTimeGroup(guild));
// Send lesson approval embed
sendMsg(msg.channel, { embeds: [approvedEmbed] });
// Mark lesson as approved in database
lessonDocument.approved = true;
// Save the <Lesson> document and return it
return await lessonDocument.save().catch(error => console.error(error));
return approve;