Pronto logo


Pronto v4.2.2

A Discord bot developed for the City of Auckland Cadet Unit, built with discord.js v12.

Named after the Radio Appointment Title of a Signaller, Pronto is specifically designed for community groups, featuring attendance tracking and many other useful commands!

Table of Contents



  • !leave and !leavefor commands to submit leave tickets into an attendance channel, and messaging a duplicate to the absentee
  • !attendance to submit an attendance register for a formation
  • Dynamic !help command tree, displaying only commands the user has permissions for
  • !connected command to export a list of members connected to a voice channel
  • !archive command to archive old or retired channels
  • !purge command to bulk delete messages
  • Individual configuration database for each separate guild, allowing guild-specific permissions and settings to be applied
  • A comprehensive suite of lesson management commands, enabling assignment of lesson warnings to specified instructors, and the creation of a private lesson channel for the instructor to develop a lesson plan
  • Applies message reactions on successful/unsuccessful executions of commands
  • Automatically applies an acknowledgement reaction to announcement posts
  • Notifies a recruitment channel when new members join
  • Applies a visitor role to new members
  • 'Channel pairing', displaying a hidden text channel to the members connected to the paired voice channel only
  • A comprehensive logging feature set, such as tracking message edits and deletions
  • Fully-featured error detection and responses, with specific prompts detailing expected input
  • Easily forkable, with a consolidated configuration and commands list to adapt to your needs, alongside a broad collection of useful modules and handlers
  • Easily modified permissions and aliases for individual commands, including whether the command is allowed in direct messages

Commands List

Command Description Default Permissions
!ping Test the latency of the bot Developer
!uptime Time since last restart Developer
!evaluate Evaluate JavaScript code Developer
!restart Restart the bot Developer
!help Get help with using Pronto All
!help (command) Get help with a specific command All (user must have permissions to use the sub-command however)
!leave Submit a leave request None
!leavefor Submit a leave request for another cadet None
!attendance Submit an attendance register None
!connected List the members connected to a voice channel None
!archive Archive a text channel None
!purge Delete a number of messages from a channel None
!lesson view Preview details and attached resources of an assigned lesson Lesson Instructor
!lesson add Add a resource to a lesson Lesson Instructor
!lesson remove Remove a resource from a lesson Lesson Instructor
!lesson submit Submit a lesson for approval Lesson Instructor
!seen Acknowledge receipt of a lesson warning Lesson Instructor
!assign Assign a lesson to an instructor None
!approve Approve a lesson plan None

JSDoc Documentation

GitHub Pages


Beginning with v5.0.0, Pronto uses standard-version to release new versions. Hence, as of v5.0.0, Pronto follows semver (semantic versioning) standards, using the format [MAJOR].[MINOR].[PATCH]:

  1. Major. There is at least one breaking change to Pronto's public functionality, or a breaking change that requires an update to any existing database documents.
  2. Minor. There is at least one new backwards-compatible feature added to Pronto's functionality.
  3. Patch. There is at least one backwards-compatible bug fix.



  • Node.js v12.x
  • npm



  1. Clone this repository $ git clone

  2. Install required packages by running $ npm install --production in the repository's folder

  3. Install MongoDB Community Edition

    NOTE: These instructions apply to the set-up of a local database. This guide will not cover how to connect to a MongoDB Atlas database, however this only requires a substitution of 'mongodb://localhost/pronto' with the Atlas connection string within the value of MONGOURI= in .env.

  4. Open config.js and change the configuration settings & default identifiers:

    exports.settings = {
    	prefix: '!',
    	PERMISSIONS_INTEGER: 1879141584,
    	longDate: 'HHMM "h" ddd, d mmm yy',
    	shortDate: 'd mmm',
    	prontoLogo: '',
    	lessonCron: '0 16 * * 3',
    exports.ids = {
    	DEFAULT_GUILD: '765758073942966272',
    	DEVELOPER_ID: '192181901065322496',
    Property Description
    prefix The command prefix for message commands
    PERMISSIONS_INTEGER You shouldn't change this unless you know what you're doing or adding/removing things from the bot.
    If you are, Pronto may require more/less minimum Discord permissions.
    This integer allows Pronto to verify that it has the necessary permissions to function properly.
    longDate The dateformat mask / format string.
    shortDate The dateformat mask that Pronto uses for a 'shortened' date string
    prontoLogo A link to the image to use as Pronto's logo (e.g. in the thumbnail of the Commands List embed)
    NOTE: This is not the avatar of the bot – you need to set that when you create the bot user
    lessonCron The cron schedule expression that controls when Pronto sends out lesson reminders.
    DEFAULT_GUILD The identifier of Pronto's 'master' guild, used as a fallback when a secondary guild has a database error.
    How to find a Discord identifier
    DEVELOPER_ID The identifier of the user managing the bot (i.e. you)

    To assign command permissions in v4.2.2, use the following command in a guild channel:

    !eval database(msg.guild, {
    	ids: {
    		formations: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    	commands: {
    		leave: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    		leaveFor: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    		attendance: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    		connected: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    		archive: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    		purge: {
    			requiredRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    			deniedRoles: ['<roleOneID>', '<roleTwoID>'...],
    }) --silent

    To set up channel linking, use the following:

    !eval (async () => {
    	const Guild = require('../models/guild');
    	const database = await Guild.findOne({ guildID: }, error => {
    		if (error) console.error(error);
    	database.ids.channelPairs = [
    		{ voice: 'voiceOneID', text: 'textOneID' },
    		{ voice: 'voiceTwoID', text: 'textTwoID' },
    		{ voice: 'voiceThreeID', text: 'textThreeID' },
    	return await => console.error(error));
    })() --silent

    A dashboard is coming soon!

  5. Follow this guide to create your own bot user and get your bot token (you can set your own picture and name also!)

    The only locations where 'Pronto' is actually named by the bot are commands.js and config.js, and the developer-only commands\ping.js, commands\uptime.js and events\exit.js:

    help: {
    	command: 'help',
    	aliases: ['cmd', 'cmds', 'command', 'commands'],
    	description: {
    		general: 'Get help with using Pronto.',
    pronto: {
    	name: 'Pronto',
    .setFooter(`${pingValue} ms | ${await dateTimeGroup()} | Pronto v${version}`);`

    You can rename the bot here (inside the ' ' marks), and everything will still work! Basically, just don't change file names :)

    To change the bot's status message, look in events\onReady.js:

    bot.user.setActivity(`the radio net | ${await prefixCommand(help)}`, { type: 'LISTENING' });

    Documentation can be found here.

  6. Create a file named .env in the top-level folder (i.e. in the same folder as pronto.js) and enter:

  7. Start the bot with $ npm run start in the repository's folder

  8. Done! The bot should now be online, however now you run into the problem of hosting...

    Read this document for more on hosting :)